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Dataset obtained from a post event field survey, after the 15-16th june 2010 flood which hit the downstream part of the Argens watershed in the Var region (France). The post event survey aimed at gathering of information about cross sections, peak discharges and flood dynamics. The dataset finally includes 36 peak discharge estimates, provided for both the main Argens river and small tributaries where significant hydrologcal reactions were observed. Cross section data was obtained from field measurements with a theodolite sensor. Peak discharge data are indirect estimates based on local hydraulic analysis (Manning Strickler or other formulas), and are associated with estimated confidence intervals.
Dataset obtained from a post event field survey, after the 3rd of october 2015 flood in the Alpes-Maritimes territory (France). The main concerned watersheds are the following: Riou de l'Argentière, Grande Frayère, and Brague. The post event survey aimed at gathering of information about cross sections, peak discharges and flood dynamics. Cross section data was obtained from field measurements with a theodolite sensor. Peak discharge data are indirect estimates based on local hydraulic analysis (Manning Strickler or other formulas), and are associated with estimated confidence intervals.
Dataset obtained from a post event field survey, after the september and october 2014 floods which hit the Gard and Hérault territories (France). The concerned watersheds are the Ardèche, Cèze, Gardons, Hérault, Lez, Mosson, Orb and Vidourle. The post event survey aimed at gathering of information about cross sections, peak discharges and flood dynamics. Cross section data was obtained from field measurements with a theodolite sensor. Peak discharge data are indirect estimates based on local hydraulic analysis (Manning Strickler or other formulas), and are associated with estimated confidence intervals.
Dataset obtained from a post event field survey, after the 18th june 2013 flood in the Pyrénées region (France). The concerned watersheds are the Garonne, Gave de Pau and Neste. The post event survey aimed at gathering of information about cross sections, peak discharges and flood dynamics. Cross section data was obtained from field measurements with a theodolite sensor. Peak discharge data are indirect estimates based on local hydraulic analysis (Manning Strickler or other formulas), and are associated with estimated confidence intervals.
Dataset obtained from a post event field survey, after the october 2008 flood which hit the Gard territory (France). The concerned watersheds are the Gardons and the Cèze. The post event survey aimed at gathering of information about cross sections, peak discharges and flood dynamics. Cross section data was obtained from field measurements with a theodolite sensor. Peak discharge data are indirect estimates based on local hydraulic analysis (Manning Strickler or other formulas), and are associated with estimated confidence intervals.
Dataset obtained from a post event field survey, after the 2nd of october 2020 floods ("Alex" storm event) in the Alpes-Maritimes territory (France). The main concerned watersheds are the following: Esteron, Roya, Tinée, Var, Vésubie. The post event survey aimed at gathering of information about cross sections, peak discharges and flood dynamics. Cross section data was obtained from field measurements with a theodolite sensor. Peak discharge data are indirect estimates based on local hydraulic analysis (Ferguson and Manning Strickler formulas), and are associated with estimated confidence intervals.
Dataset obtained from a post event field survey, after the 23th of november 2019 and 1st of december 2019 floods in the Alpes-Maritimes and Var territories (France). The main concerned watersheds are the following: Agay, Riou de l'Argentiere, Grande Garonne, Reyran, Vallon de Théoulière (Siagne tributary) The post event survey aimed at gathering of information about cross sections, peak discharges and flood dynamics. Cross section data was obtained from field measurements with a theodolite sensor. Peak discharge data are indirect estimates based on local hydraulic analysis (Manning Strickler or other formulas), and are associated with estimated confidence intervals.
Dataset obtained from a post event field survey, after the 22th may 2012 flood which hit the region of Nancy (France). The post event survey aimed at gathering of information about cross sections, peak discharges and flood dynamics. Cross section data was obtained from field measurements with a theodolite sensor. Peak discharge data are indirect estimates based on local hydraulic analysis (Manning Strickler or other formulas), and are associated with estimated confidence intervals.
Dataset obtained from a post event field survey, after the 9th of august 2018 floods in the Ceze and Ardeche watersheds (France). The post event survey aimed at gathering of information about cross sections, peak discharges and flood dynamics. Cross section data was obtained from field measurements with a theodolite sensor. Peak discharge data are indirect estimates based on local hydraulic analysis (Manning Strickler or other formulas), and are associated with estimated confidence intervals.
Dataset obtained from a post event field survey, after the 15th of october 2018 flood in the Aude watershed (France). The post event survey aimed at gathering of information about cross sections, peak discharges and flood dynamics. Cross section data was obtained from field measurements with a theodolite sensor. Peak discharge data are indirect estimates based on local hydraulic analysis (Manning Strickler or other formulas), and are associated with estimated confidence intervals.